Keep Your Golf Swing In Shape All Year With A Golf Fitness Program

Golf, like all other games, requires a well-rounded approach to achieving success at the level you desire. We're still focused on flexibility, balance, strength, endurance and power, but the amount or volume of work is much less to accommodate the physical and mental strain of competition. This marks the point when we shift to an in-season golf fitness program. The golf fitness exercises don't stop, but we back off on the intensity.

But as a drill on the practice tee, if can really help to develop a feel for your swing and how your set up can impact the directional ball flight. The very act of swinging a golf club is by itself a complicated physical action. If you are in great shape physically, in terms of flexibility, strength and endurance you will be able to play a much better game than someone who is in lesser physical shape.

It involves letting your foot heel in front to come above the ground Golf fitness trainer Orlando when you swing your golf club back. Once you start to see results in the releasing of your fascia, you can then start to reeducate the body through exercises for balance, posture and stability.

A conditioning coach will design a program to help you improve your performance on the golf course. You will hold the ball in between your knees in your set up position while holding the golf club across your hips with both hands. Pulled muscles, sprained knees, strained tendons and ligaments and more are a part of the golfer's life that is not in shape for golf.

This package of strength and flexibility is really vital in making the body ready for the good golf swing. As you become more flexible (see my other article: Find More Distance with a Golf Stretching and Flexibility Program for Duffers) you will place more stress on the joints and soft tissue of the knee, hip and lower back.

He or she would have the body fitness to do the swing without a fault. Find a golf specific fitness program to guide in your strength training. Achieve the desired golf fitness body by eating right and exercising regularly. Taking lessons with a body that is restricted will not improve your swing.

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